Different Types of Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes are prefabricated cardboard boxes, widely used for shipping materials and packaging products and are also commonly reused. Cardboard is a major component of most products that we use in our daily lives. It is also commonly referred to as linoleum, paperboard, or wood cardboard. This material has a long history of being used both for domestic and commercial purposes. Experts in industry generally do not use the term cardboard as it doesn’t denote a particular material, only an ingredient. The main types of this material that are commonly found in today’s market are:
Corrugated cardboard boxes – This is the most widely used type of packaging material for products and goods. These boxes are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. These custom boxes are made of high-quality cardboard but are laminated with plastic laminate on the inside. The laminated surface provides additional protection to the goods that are packaged within these containers.
High Density Polyethylene – This is another type of corrugated cardboard that is commonly used for the packaging of goods. This is one of the best packaging options available, suitable for many uses, from packing fragile objects, to the packaging of electrical goods. Cardboard boxes with PVC backing sheets are used in the packaging of food. PVC is a superior quality plastic that is resistant to chemical degradation. Cardboard boxes with PVC backing sheets are widely used in the food packaging industry. It is also resistant to moisture and termites, making it an excellent choice for food packaging.
Wooden Crates – These are another popular packaging option that are made from corrugated cardboard boxes. It is similar to the PVC case where wooden crate packaging is a popular preference. The main advantage of using wooden crates is that they provide a higher degree of protection to the products, especially the delicate items. However, they are unable to bear the weight of heavy items and hence they are not a good option for heavy items.
Cardboard Boxes and Wooden Crates – The use of paperboard used in the manufacturing of these boxes makes it an excellent packaging option. In fact, these boxes have become very popular because of the paperboard used in making them. This paperboard used is capable of handling different types of products. They can even handle the weight of several kilograms of goods. However, wooden crates are more preferable for shipping purposes, particularly for fragile goods like electronic devices.
Lighter Items – Due to the advancement in technology, it has been possible to manufacture lightweight boxes that are capable of handling a number of weights, right from the lightest to the heaviest. For instance, a cardboard box that is used to pack flutes is capable of handling a single pound of the flute’s weight. These lightweight boxes are extremely useful for lighter items because they help in accomplishing the task of packaging without wasting even a single calorie of the product.