Making Saving On Your Office Expenses To Help Reduce Your Overheads
Many businesses are feeling the pinch with the increased cost of living and energy process skyrocketing, forcing some companies to struggle. If you are worried about the increase in overheads for your business, you will want to see what things you can do to help save your company money. You can do many things to help reduce your office overheads and thinking creatively can help you make further savings. Below are some areas you can consider investigating to see if you can make savings and help your business thrive and become stronger.
Compare Utility Suppliers
Although many electricity and gas suppliers presently have similar prices, all at the top of the fixed price, you can still make small savings by comparing suppliers and getting the best deal for your business. You can use websites such as and see if you can get a better deal. Also, look at internet suppliers and see if there are better deals available than what you get from your current internet service provider.
Turn Down The Heat
It is also worth asking your employees to bring in an extra layer of clothes so they will be comfortable when you turn down the heat by a couple of degrees. Turning down the temperature of your heating from 23° to 20° can make a considerable saving over a year, especially with the current energy prices.
Swap To Energy-Efficient Lightbulbs
It is also worth considering investing in energy-efficient lightbulbs for your office; despite their investment, they can save money for your business. LED lightbulbs last longer than traditional ones and use considerably less energy, so they can help reduce your electricity bills. When you invest in Smart bulbs, you can also raise and lower their brightness, so you can have the lights on but dim them to make further savings on lighting your workplace.
Shop Around For Cleaning & Office Supplies
Many businesses will use the same suppliers continuously without checking whether their prices are competitive. It is worth making a shopping list of the industrial cleaning supplies and office supplies you buy monthly and shopping around to see if you can get better deals. It may surprise you how much money you can save by doing this, and once you have found a supplier with the best prices, do not get comfortable. Review your suppliers every two or three months, and you can help ensure you always get the best deal and save your business money.
Turn Things Off Properly
Another way your business can save money on its running costs and reduce its energy consumption is by turning things off when they are not in use. Do not leave the toilet lights on; if nobody is in the canteen or kitchen, turn the lights off there as well. Get your employees in the habit of shutting down their computers properly at night and turn off all the plugs that are not necessary. You can make small savings that collectively add up and can be significant for your business and help strengthen it for better times ahead.